Friday, March 11, 2016

Foods and nutritional supplements useful in Parkinson's disease

6:01:00 AM

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Parkinson disease is a disease of the central nervous system in people who are over the age of fifty Generally,

And the resulting changes in the nerve cells in the so-called basic contract BASAL GANGLIA .Outdoor in the brain function of these cells leads to a decrease in the secretion of dopamine responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to the nerve cell level.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson disease:

Parkinson patients suffer from tremors and lack of ability to control the muscles of the Parties disease, and also accompanied by the ability to balance and difficulty in speaking and swallowing and smiling disorder.

Foods and dietary supplements have a role in the treatment of Parkinson disease:

* Beans fresh beans:

Which is one of the important sources of leopard, which in turn turns into dopamine required for the work of the nerve cells, and to improve the health of brain tissue.

* River fish such as salmon:

The meal a week of fish river is useful because fish oil provides the necessary for the health of nerve cells fatty acids.

In addition to the above from the food supplements, eating antioxidants play an important role in delaying the development and progress of Parkinson disease, is the most important antioxidant these:

* Alpha lollipop acid: ALPHA LOLLIPOP ACID This acid helps vitamin E and vitamin C adversaries oxidants to work effectively, and this acid protects brain cells from harmful substances that can harm brain cells.

* Labouredly A: HYPERFINE A This prevents supplementing Activity yeast acetylene's inhibition that impede the transfer of nerve impulses between brain cells.

* Velvet bean extract: containing pills velvet beans a high amount of leopard has been proven effective by giving them to patients who were suffering from Parkinson disease and contain extracts of which the standard rate of 10 percent from the Leopard experiments.

* Vitamin E and the mineral selenium helps these Almanac in delaying progression of Parkinson disease.

* Vitamin C with Alleviation: The use of vitamin C with Alleviation in the early stages of Parkinson disease is very helpful in improving the situation.

* Folic acid: It was observed that lack of folic acid in patients with Parkinson disease leads to the intensification of symptoms.

* Ginkgo: This herb promotes blood circulation in the brain, which helps to improve the access of oxygen to the brain cells and prevents the development of Parkinson disease.

* Grape Seed: Grape seed extract contains anti-oxidant substances called PROCEEDING and these components help to get rid of waste and harmful to the body caused by the metabolic processes in the body and thus saves the brain tissue from the harmful effects.

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