Friday, March 11, 2016

Top 10 Dietary Supplements

5:55:00 AM

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Today we will discuss the subject of natural supplements: the types of foods that aims to diet for humans and integrated it with materials such as Future Perfect:
Vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, amino acids, may be a vegetable or a fruit or herb species.
And to you, dear reader, the most important and the best 10 Dietary Supplements and not chemical:
First eggs: where he is working on the growth of muscles of the body is healthy and that by eating two eggs a day, in order to contain a large proportion of protein in addition to omega-3 fatty ,.
We find in second place Broccoli: Rich in vitamins A, B metals and many of the nutrients and also helps in muscle growth.
Followed in third place pineapple: provide the body a lot of vitamins, minerals and other food bimetallism, which provide the body with energy and promote muscle growth.
We find also fourth place sunflower seeds: That is because they contain a high amount of proteins,
And mackerel also ranked five: a body thickness of Atlantic small and also contains a large proportion of protein and fatty acids,
And then we come to find out salary six o'clock olive oil: which helps to provide new amounts of nutrients basic it is best to be used instead of vegetable oils.
And rank seven o'clock caffeine in coffee,: because it works to relieve muscle pain, especially among practitioners of sport and are advised to drink a cup of coffee before training.
In the eighth, we find herbs turmeric: The ingredients included curium, a natural compound that has an active role in muscle growth and repair, as well as when using turmeric powder mixed with a glass of milk that we will find a cure high capabilities.
We find in ninth place Ginger: This herb because it relieves muscle pain as he uses in food or mixed with power.
Finally, we find in tenth place Spiraling: It Bar from the choice of vegetarians who want to strengthen muscle growth they have in order to fit on a 65% protein and 20% from carbohydrates, and also plays an active role in the protection of cancers because it works to fight cancer cells.

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