Friday, March 11, 2016

Advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements

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Is it healthy to eat food supplements to increase muscle size? Question for as long as expounded by yourself before taking the first spoon food Mask ... Yes it is true can nutritional supplements accelerate the growth process and sculpt muscles, allowing to achieve your goals quickly, but the other hand is also not devoid of side effects, which vary depending on the person, the type of COSMOS, how to use and other variables under study, and to this day
For this I recommend you always consult your doctor before taking any complementary You should also know the ingredients that go into the composition, method of use, the suspended eat ... Etc. In this issue I will mention a host of benefits to be reaped through the intake of nutritional supplements in addition to the side effects that may make you and the last course, you be the judge and the decision-maker.

Increase muscle strength

Studies and research suggests that some dietary supplements increase the muscle strength to Chks.aly For example, a study from the Journal of the study of strength and muscle structure in 2003 confirmed (Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research) that creating supplementation can significantly increase muscle strength if It has been addressed after lifting weights.

Increase muscle mass

Bodybuilding or weightlifting stimulate muscle growth, but the process is impossible if the necessary elements that you need the muscles are not available. Another study conducted in 2010 titled nutrition and metabolism (Nutrition & Metabolism) showed that the whey protein, or what is known as Wi-protein (whey protein) is of great importance in increasing the size of the muscle after training.

Speed ​​up the fat burning

Many supplements contain muscle branching chains of amino acids. Amino acids is the element that is the protein necessary to build muscle. He March report from the Journal of Sports Medicine and Fitness (Nutrition & Metabolism) that taking the amino acids with branching chains contribute to increased oxidation or burning fat when combined with bodybuilding.
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